Technical Programm

1.Basic Processes in Partially Ionized Plasmas (Prof. Y. Y. Fu and Prof. J. Y. Kim)

-Multipactor and Plasma in Vacuum Discharge (Xi’an Chapter)

Chair: Prof. Peng Zhang, Michigan State University;

Co-Chair:Prof.Wanzhao Cui,Xi'an Institute of Space Radio Techonology, CAST,

-Fundamentals of low temperature plasmas

-Dusty plasmas and strongly coupled plasmas

2. Microwave generation sources (Prof. Jinjun Feng and M. S. Hur)

-Microwave generation

-Fast-Wave Devices

-Slow-Wave Devices

3. High-Energy Density Plasmas and Applications (Prof. B. Cho)

-Particle acceleration with lasers and beams

-High energy density matter

-Laser produced plasmas

4. Computational Plasma Physics and Data-Driven Science (Dr. D. Kwon and Prof. A. Sun)

-Plasma simulations

-Verification, validation, and benchmarking of plasma models

-Machine learning and data-driven science

There are a few invited talk candidates from Korea and Japan.

5. Environmental and Industrial Applications (Profs. Y. Song and H. J. Kim)

-Simulation and diagnostic of plasma-EM wave, surface interaction

Chair: Prof. Yongxin Liu, Dalian University of Technology,

-Plasma catalysis for environmental and energy applications(Nanjing Chapter)

Chair: Prof. Danhua Mei, Nanjing Tech University, China;

Co-Chair: Prof. Xin Tu, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom;

-Pulsed Discharge and Plasma-enabled Energy Conversion(Beijing Chapter)

Chair: Prof. Cheng Zhang, Institute of Electrical Engineering, CAS,

Co-Chair: Prof. Tomohiro Nozaki,Tokyo Institute of Technology,

6. Bio-Medical Application of Plasmas (Prof. Heping Li, Dr. J. H. Choi)

7. Terahertz Science and Technolgy (Profs. Edl Schamiloglu, Yutong Li)

-Ultrafast and Nanoscale Terahertz Science

Chair: Prof. Tianwu Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Co-Chair: Prof. Frank Hegmann, University of Alberta,

-Terahertz Physics and Technology Based on Surface Plasmon Polaritions

Chair: Wei Shi, Xi’an University of Technology;

Co-Chair: Prof. Chao Zhang, University of Wollongong

-THz surface plasmon polaritons(SPPs)and device applications

Chair: Prof. Yiming Zhu, USST,

Co-Chair: Prof. A. Shkurinov, Moscow State University,  

-Optical Terahertz Science and Applications

Chair: Prof. Xiaojun Wu, Beihang University, China;

Co-Chair: Prof. Yang Hyunsoo, National University of Singapore;

-Novel Metamaterial and its Applications(Chengdu Chapter)

Chair: Prof. Zhaoyun Duan, UESTC, China;

Congress has ended
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Mrs.  Shan Du

Tel :+86-29-89133360

Mr.  Xin  Hu    


Email  :  APCPTS@VIP.163.COM