Simulation and diagnostic of plasma-EM wave, surface interaction
Session Chair Yongxin Liu, Dalian University of Technology
Invited speakers:
1. Advanced Gigahertz electromagnetic wave control technology based on plasma,Qiu-Yue Nie (China)
2. Recent advance of particle-based simulations in capacitive plasmas,De-Qi Wen(USA)
3. Study of Plasma-Wall Interaction in EAST Tokamak by in-situ LIBS System, Ran Hai (China)
4. Impact of Oxygen Ratio and High-k Dielectric on Plasma Propagation in packed bed DBD
Lei-Yu Zhang (China)
5. Quantitative analysis of plasma facing materials of tokamak by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Xue Bai (China)
-Multipactor and Plasma in Vacuum Discharge (Xi’an Chapter)
Chair:Prof.Wanzhao Cui, Xi'an Institute of Space Radio Techonology, CAST,
Co-Chair: Prof. Peng Zhang, Michigan State University;
Invited speakers:
1. Modeling and Experimental Study of Cathode Spot Crater Formation and Development in Vacuum Arc, Lijun Wang, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi'an Jiaotong University
2. Research progress of suppressing secondary electron emission and its space application, Wanzhao Cui(崔万照), National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Microwave, CAST, Xi’an, China
3. Effect of desorbed gas on dielectric surface breakdown by microwave in high vacuum environment, Pengcheng Zhao(赵朋程), School of Physics, Xidian University
4. Analysis of Secondary Electron Emission Yield on High-power Microwave Materials, Jing Yang(杨晶), National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Microwave, CAST, Xi’an, China
5. Study of DC low pressure discharge in narrow gap structures, Rui Wang(王瑞), National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Microwave, CAST, Xi’an, China
6. Simulation and diagnosis of low-pressure discharge plasma of spacecraft microwave components, Zeyu Chen(陈泽煜), National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Microwave, CAST, Xi’an, China
Pulsed Discharge and Plasma-enabled Energy Conversion(Beijing Chapter)
Chair: Prof. Cheng Zhang, Institute of Electrical Engineering, CAS,
Co-Chair: Prof. Tomohiro Nozaki,Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Invited speakers:
1. Kinetic insights into plasma catalytic synthesis of ammonia
Qi Chen, Beijing Jiaotong University, China (CHINA)
2. Plasma catalysis: a promising approach for green energy conversion
Danhua Mei,Nanjing Tech University (CHINA)
3. Discharge mode transition of air plasma and its impact on biomedical applications, Dingxin Liu, Professor, Center for plasma biomedicine, Xi'an Jiaotong University
4. Fluidized-bed plasma catalysis of CO2 as a key step for process electrification, (require two invitation letters)
Tomohiro Nozaki, and Xiaozhong Chen, Tokyo Institute of Technology, (JAPAN)
5. Development of a simulation platform for the Martian atmosphere and investigation of CO2 discharge conversion effect
Zhengshi Chang, Xi’an Jiaotong University (CHINA)
6. Enhancement of surface insulating performance for polymer materials by atmospheric pressure plasma jet
Chengyan Ruan, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,(CHINA)
-Plasma catalysis for environmental and energy applications (Nanjing Chapter)
Chair: Prof. Danhua Mei, Nanjing Tech University, China;
Co-Chair: Prof. Xin Tu, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom;
Invited speakers:
1. Plasma catalysis: an emerging approach for biomass tar reforming and CO2 conversion, Lina Liu, Nankai University, China
2. Atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma assisted CO2 dissociation, Guodong Meng, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
3. Non-equilibrium chemical reactions in pulsed spark discharge for energy conversion, Shuai Zhang, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
4. CO2 plasma synergistic catalysis: Pathways of CO production and the role of vibrationally excited species in synergistic effect, He Cheng, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
5. Plasma-catalytic reverse water-gas shift reaction over perovskite-derived bimetallic catalysts, Ziyan Yang, Hebei University of Technology, China
-THz surface plasmon polaritons(SPPs)and device applications
Chair: Prof. Yiming Zhu, USST,
Co-Chair: Prof. A. Shkurinov, Moscow State University,
Invited speakers:
1. Investigation on Detecting Terahertz Waves by Rydberg Atoms,Lei Hou (China),Xi’an University of Technology
2. Terahertz QBIC ultrasensitive biosensor and application,Yan Peng (China),,University of Shanghai science and technology
3. Terahertz plasmenic sensors based on metamaterials and solid-state laser sources,Alexander Skurinov(Russia),Lomonosov Moscow State University
4. High-Q Designs of Spoof Localized Surface Plasmons and Their Applications in Terahertz Sensing,Xuanru Zhang(China),,Southeast University
5. Investigation on Detecting Terahertz Waves by Rydberg Atoms,Zhen Tian(China),,Tianjin University
6. Terahertz dual-comb sources with self-reference stabilization, Hua Li (China),, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Optical Terahertz Science and application
Chair: Prof. Xiaojun Wu, Beihang University, China;
Co-Chair: Prof. Yang Hyunsoo, National University of Singapore;
Invited speakers:
1. Prof. Yang Hyunsoo,, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2. Marco Battiato,, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
3. Kyusup Lee,, Pukyong National University, Korea
4. Liang Cheng,, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
5. Elbert Chia,, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
6. Jingbo Qi,, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
7. Benjamin Jungfleisch,
8. Song Liwei (宋立伟),,SIOM,CAS(中科院上海光机所)
9. Liu Yi (刘一),,SUST(上海理工)
Terahertz Physics and Technology Based on Surface Plasmon Polaritions
Chair: Wei Shi, Xi’an University of Technology;
Co-Chair: Prof. Chao Zhang, University of Wollongong
Invited speakers:
1. High-sensitivity THz detection of water-containing biomolecules and theirmixtures, Shi Wei,, XI'an University of Technology
2. Tunable on-chip terahertz isolator based on nonreciprocal transverse edge spin state in magneto-plasmonic waveguide, Fan Fei,, Nankai University
3. Investigation on Detecting Terahertz Waves by Rydberg Atoms, Hou Lei,, XI'an University of Technology
4. Surface plasmon polaritons resonance and applications based on carbon nanotube metasureface, Wang Yue,, XI'an University of Technology
5. Spatial modulation of terahertz beams for imaging and scanning, Chen Jierong,, Nankai University
6. Tunable terahertz hybrid metamaterials supported by Dirac semimetals, Wenhan Cao,Shanghai Tech University,China
Ultrafast and Nanoscale Terahertz Science
Chair: Prof. Tianwu Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Co-Chair: Prof. Frank Hegmann, University of Alberta,
Invited speaker
1, Research Scientist Qianchun Weng,
RIKEN, Japan
2, Asst Prof. Guangwei Hu,
Nanyang Technological University
3, Plasma based terahertz wave generation and modulation,
Yindong Huang,, National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology
1. A model of the influence of THz on the neuron ion channel based on quantum theory, Zuoxian Xiang,, National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology (poster)
Novel Metamaterial and its Applications (Chengdu Chapter)
Chair: Prof. Zhaoyun Duan, UESTC, China;
Invited speakers:
1.Advances in Metamaterial-inspired Radiation Sources, Zhaoyun Duan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2.Ultrasensitive trace biodetection enabled by the terahertz metasensor, Ride Wang(China), National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology
3.Terahertz near-field spectral analysis of artificial metamaterials, Min Hu,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
4.The applications of metamaterial structure in traveling wave tube, Ningfeng Bai, Southeast University
Oral talk:
5.Frequency agility and mode switching in relativistic mangetron using metamaterials, Mei Qin Liu, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Mrs. Shan Du
Mr. Xin Hu